Thursday, December 3, 2020

 Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 4!

Today's Christmas Story is an adaptation of a story written by a taxi driver, who picked up an elderly woman to bring her to hospice care.  It's a touching story, and reminds us to think of the smaller things in life that we often overlook - small, little things that sometimes are bigger, important things!

This Advent, think of some small things you can do for yourself or for others that can make a difference in your life.  Start within your heart a real attitude of gratitude, even in the midst of this pandemic, even when we can't do the things we really want to do.  Still, there is so much for which to give thanks.  Jesus is born, we are children of God, and our hearts, no matter the external circumstances, should be filled with gratitude and joy.

Remember that if you're watching on a phone that you'll need to scroll down to click on View Web Version to see the videos.

Take care!  And remember the little things!

Here's a wonderful song, Breath of Heaven.  Enjoy the video and the song!

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