Thursday, December 17, 2020

 Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 14!

Today's story is actually a reading of "God's Very Good Idea" that I recorded for our Zion Sunday School kids.  I thought it would be a good story for us, too, because it tells us (and the kids) the history of salvation to a broken world - broken because even though we all were created in the Image of God, we didn't reflect God's love to one another, or to God!  But God had a send us Jesus!

For the past 3 months Gloria McLeod and Joy have been recording weekly messages for the kids and put them up on a blog:  Gloria puts the kid's weekly lessons in the mail so they get it before Sunday, and then can do the lesson at home with their parents.  Gloria and Joy have done tremendous work with this in an attempt to keep connected with our kids!

SO - this is actually the third book we've sent our kids because we want them to read good and Godly stuff during this time!  And if you like this particular book you can order it here from Amazon:

Here's the video!

Here's a song - Where Are You Christmas?  It asks the question, but the song answers the question - If there is love in your heart and your mind, you'll feel like Christmas all the time.  Enjoy!

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