Friday, December 25, 2020

Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 20!

Our final Christmas story is entitled "Barrington Bunny" from a book by Martin Bell entitled, "The Way of the Wolf."  In his book, the wolf represents God, and, of course, the bunny represents Jesus, who came and lived and died to give us everlasting life. It's kind of a sad story, but it reminds us that Jesus didn't just come to show us how to be nice to one another, he came and died for us, giving himself to save us.

Today, Christmas Day, is a time to reflect past the creche to the cross, and give thanks to God for the real gift of Christmas, Jesus, grace, and salvation.

Starting January 4 we'll be looking at the amazing letter of Colossians:  The Cosmic Christ of Colossians!  Until then, take care and keep safe!

Here's today's video:

Enjoy this version of Joy to the World - and even though this Christmas is different from any other, my hope is that you do have joy in your world!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 19!

Tonight, Christmas Eve, is a chance to spend some time with the story behind O Holy Night. You'll hear how O Holy Night was originally written for a small Christmas mass in France in 1847, and has been sung millions of times in churches in every corner of the world. It was originally requested by a forgotten Friend parish priest, written by a poet who would later leave the church, given high and soaring music by a Jewish composer, sung to bring peace on the battlefield, brought to America to affirm the equality of all people, and spread across the radio waves through the early use of technology. It is truly one of the most beautiful, inspired pieces of music ever created!

Here's the video:

And here's a beautiful recording of O Holy Night that you can sing along with!  Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 18!

Silent Night, Holy Night is our song for today, and it's one of the most beautiful songs we sing, and has an interesting history! Written in 1818 when the Nikloaus Church's organ went out, it was played by guitar and sung that Christmas Eve by the parish priest and the minister of music. Then, when the organ repair man came, he stole a copy of the song and started distributing it more widely without crediting the original composers of the song, so it was attributed to people like Mozart or Haydan, until finally in 1854 the parish priest finally wrote to tell the whole story, and claimed it as his own.

Here's the video:

And here's a beautiful video of our song, so sing along!

Monday, December 21, 2020

 Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 17!

Today our Christmas story is the story behind the beautiful hymn, "What Child Is This?"  And notice that it is a question - a question that many were asking as Jesus was born.  What child is this?  And the hymn wonderfully answers that question, from Jesus' birth in a manger to his death on a cross.  It's beautifully theologically articulate and splendid in its depth of answering the question!

Here's the video:

And here's Josh Groban singing What Child Is This?

Sunday, December 20, 2020

 Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 16!

Today is just a short story about gifts, and the importance of remembering the Gift of Jesus.  Just as gifts tell us what we think about one another, God's gift of Jesus tells us how much God loves us and cares for us.  As you listen to the video, think of the Christmas gifts that many kids will be missing this year, and the importance of us making sure that they know the real gift of the Season, Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

And here's a newish video called Memories from the One Voice Children's Choir made during this pandemic time.  Let's make sure their memories of Christmas 2020 are about the most important reason for the Season!

Friday, December 18, 2020

 Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 15!

Today our Christmas story is  "The Little Match Girl" is a fairy tale about an impoverished girl who, afraid to return to her violent family after not having sold any matches, strikes matches which induce hallucinations of her desires for warmth, food, prosperity, and love as she dies due to hypothermia.  Written in 1845 by Danish Author Hans Christian Andersen, who also wrote The Ugly Duckling, The Little Mermaid, and The Emperor's New Clothes!

Here's the video:

Here's a great song by Meredith Andrews called He Has Come For Us/God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.  Sing along!!


Thursday, December 17, 2020

 Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 14!

Today's story is actually a reading of "God's Very Good Idea" that I recorded for our Zion Sunday School kids.  I thought it would be a good story for us, too, because it tells us (and the kids) the history of salvation to a broken world - broken because even though we all were created in the Image of God, we didn't reflect God's love to one another, or to God!  But God had a send us Jesus!

For the past 3 months Gloria McLeod and Joy have been recording weekly messages for the kids and put them up on a blog:  Gloria puts the kid's weekly lessons in the mail so they get it before Sunday, and then can do the lesson at home with their parents.  Gloria and Joy have done tremendous work with this in an attempt to keep connected with our kids!

SO - this is actually the third book we've sent our kids because we want them to read good and Godly stuff during this time!  And if you like this particular book you can order it here from Amazon:

Here's the video!

Here's a song - Where Are You Christmas?  It asks the question, but the song answers the question - If there is love in your heart and your mind, you'll feel like Christmas all the time.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

 Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 13!

Today we have a wonderful hymn, Joy to the World!  It is a sweeping and magnificent hymn about the reach and reign of Jesus, born a King though in a manger.  Written by Isaac Watts, it has a grand Biblical grounding and an amazing tune.

Listen in to learn more about this song that we'll sing on Sunday at church, and we'll close our Christmas Eve worship singing it, too!

And here it is in song, with the lyrics, so sing along!

Monday, December 14, 2020

 Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 12!

Today takes us in a tad of a different direction with a Christmas Story by Charles Dickens - the Tiny Tim Short Story.  It's not the whole long story, but a summary that hits the highlights of this classic tale.

And wow - it just reminds us to focus on the important things in life.  Right now most of us are mourning all the things we've lost or are losing in this pandemic Christmas.  But there is still so much for which to give thanks, even right now.  Focus on the important things in life, and take care of yourself and the ones you love.

Here's the video:

And this isn't a song, but it's a new short video this year about the importance of taking care of yourself and the ones you love.  Actually, I didn't "get it" the first time, but had to watch it a couple times to catch some of the nuances.  It's short, so watch it more than once!

Sunday, December 13, 2020

 Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 11!

Today we turn to another beloved hymn, O Little Town of Bethlehem.  It's an endearing, wonderful hymn with a fascinating historical background.  And the third stanza is such a great and awesome prayer for us to memorize and pray all the time, especially during this pandemic Advent!

Listen in!

And I recently became aware of the beautiful voices of the Living Stones Quartet, and they have a beautiful version of O Little Town of Bethlehem.  Listen in and sing along!

Friday, December 11, 2020

 Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 10!

Today we look at another hymn - Hark, the Herald Angels Sing!  Yesterday's hymn was likely the oldest hymn written, and Hark, the Herald Angels Sing is the most theologically articulate hymn ever written!  It is just jam packed with theology all the way through.  Stanza 1 deals with the Incarnation, Stanza 2 deals with Christology (who Jesus was) and stanza 3 deals with Soteriology (what Jesus came to do).

It is really quite an amazing hymn, so listen in to the background of this great hymn!

Enjoy this version of Hark, the Herald Angels Sing and sing along!

Thursday, December 10, 2020

 Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 9!

Today we look at a beloved and very old song, "Angels We Have Heard On High"!  It is perhaps the oldest of the Christmas carols, and contains much of Luke's theology from the angelic visitation to the shepherds keeping watch over their flock by night.

While our LBW version only has three stanzas, the older versions had 8 stanzas with a back and forth singing and questioning between the shepherds and the women.  It's fascinating to hear about the history of this marvelous hymn and I hope it bring a spirit of hope to your hearts!

And here's the beautiful hymn sung by Sarah Mclachlan.  Enjoy and sing along!

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

 Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 8!

Today is a brief departure from the "story" motif just because I think it's such a stressful time for us right now, before Christmas, in this pandemic - how can we make it through?

One way, of course, is to turn to Scripture, and I'll share some words with you from Philippians 4:4-8 and some words from Rick Warren about how to make it through by focusing on these verses; focusing on prayer, not worry, and gratitude, rather than grouchiness.

I hope these words are as helpful to you as they are to me!  Here's the video:

And here's an old, old song, sung beautifully by Josh Groban that came across my searches for songs at this time.  Let's be a bridge over our troubled waters for one another.  Enjoy the song!

Monday, December 7, 2020

Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 7!

Today's Christmas Story is a poem entitled "Where They Not Ready" and some thoughts on why we need all the Christmas Characters at Christmas to remind us of the significance of Jesus being born to be Savior of the World.

It's a difficult Advent Season right now, but if we keep our minds focused on the true meaning of Christmas we'll make it through! Keep safe, keep Jesus in your head and heart, and take time to reflect on the importance of this season of Advent!

Here's the video:

And even though the Little Drummer Boy isn't really one of the Christmas characters, this is a beautiful video that I think you'll enjoy!

Sunday, December 6, 2020

 Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 6!

Today I read for you a wonderful story/song called "The Friendly Beasts - an Old English Christmas Carol" beautifully illustrated by Tomie dePaola, and telling about the animals in the manger, surrounding Jesus as he is born.  And you'll hear the rather traumatic experience about being a cow in third grade.  Yes, a cow.  Rather traumatic. Here's the video:

And here's a wonderful rendition of a Christmas Hallelujah by a group of Indian singers in honor of the story about India in the video!

Friday, December 4, 2020

 Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 5!

Today I'll be reading you a third story book that would be a great one for you to read with your children or grandchildren.  It's the same kind of "Night Before Christmas" theme, and it's called "'Twas the Evening of Christmas."  

We'll get on to other kinds of Christmas stories as we move through December, but the three books I've read are wonderful, and are beautifully illustrated - great to read to a young child or grandchild over Zoom or FaceTime.

Here's a link to this story book:

Enjoy the story!

Here's Casting Crowns with a beautiful song - Somewhere in You Silent Night.  Enjoy!

Thursday, December 3, 2020

 Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 4!

Today's Christmas Story is an adaptation of a story written by a taxi driver, who picked up an elderly woman to bring her to hospice care.  It's a touching story, and reminds us to think of the smaller things in life that we often overlook - small, little things that sometimes are bigger, important things!

This Advent, think of some small things you can do for yourself or for others that can make a difference in your life.  Start within your heart a real attitude of gratitude, even in the midst of this pandemic, even when we can't do the things we really want to do.  Still, there is so much for which to give thanks.  Jesus is born, we are children of God, and our hearts, no matter the external circumstances, should be filled with gratitude and joy.

Remember that if you're watching on a phone that you'll need to scroll down to click on View Web Version to see the videos.

Take care!  And remember the little things!

Here's a wonderful song, Breath of Heaven.  Enjoy the video and the song!

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

 Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 3!

Today is another story from a wonderfully written and illustrated children's book!  I hope it brings joy to your heart, and I'll include an Amazon link in case you want to buy it and read it to your children or grandchildren.  It's so important to tell Christmas stories at a time like this!

And if you're reading this blog on a phone and the videos don't appear, go to the bottom and click on the View Web Version and everything will come right up!  Somehow there's a little glitch there!

The book today is entitled The Night Before Jesus, by Herbert Brokering, a great Lutheran author and poet and a wonderful friend of the Burtness family.  If you want to buy it, here's the link from Amazon:

And here's the video:

And I know you know
Angels We Have Heard on High, but you've probably never heard it played this way before!  I love it, and hope you do, too!

Pastor Eric Christmas Stories Day 20! Our final Christmas story is entitled "Barrington Bunny" from a book by Martin Bell entitled...